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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Uzbek Photos

        The photo that Umida Akhmedova took was absolutely fine, and there was nothing wrong with it. She was simply trying to be an artist, and express herself. There is nothing wrong with that. She was simply trying to show the world her opinion. The government should never get involved with things like that. The government was totally wrong to have prosecuted her. The photographer was simply trying to express her opinion. Sure, maybe it doesn’t help the image of the country, but you can’t just arrest her! Also, the artist wasn’t even trying to disgrace the image of her country. In the complaint statement, it said, “With one glance at these pictures one can see that repair work is being done in these words, and that the children entered them purely through the childish curiosity that is inherent to them. But to foreigners, these photographs may give the impression that these children live in these homes.” Yes, these images may send that image, but that’s not the point. The point is that the artist should be able to express his/her opinion without being sent to jail! This whole case was just terrible, and the Uzbekistan government should just stay out of it.

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