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Thursday, April 7, 2011

A-Bomb Imposter

The book, The Last Train from Hiroshima, published by Henry Holt, claims to reveal a secret accident with the atomic bomb that killed one American and irradiated others and severely reduced the bombs destructive power. It also claims that a Mr. Joseph Fuoco was also a last minute substitute for James R. Corliss for the historic bombing run. There’s one problem, both of these statements are claimed to be false by people who were thought to be actually on the bombing run. Or were they? The truth is, nobody really knows who was actually flying over Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.
            It seems like everybody was defending Corliss, saying that they could shake hands with him on the plane, or they could see him right in the cockpit. His family showed old memorabilia of Mr. Corliss’, such as medals, and old photographs. Mr. Fuoco’s family could not produce any evidence that he was on the plane that was going to bomb Hiroshima.
            Also, there were claims that the accident that killed one American and reduced the A-bombs destructive power never happened. The Los Alamos laboratory that produced the bomb claims that the bomb suffered no accident and no technical failures. Again, Mr. Fuoco has no evidence.
            So, was Mr. Fuoco on the historic bombing run? No, I don’t think so.

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